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Link List (Edit):
  1. The Github Awesome List Repositories
    1. Awesome Meta Links
    2. Our Awesome list of Awesome lists
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The Github Awesome List Repositories

One of the more interesting phenomena of Github is the “Awesome” series of repositories found throughout the site. This was started several years ago by a user who wanted to share “Awesome” open source software with others. To do so, he simply created a repository and listed the software in the Pretty soon this user had created several of these “Awesome” repositories, each covering a different topic he wanted to share. The idea was so popular, it caught on and spread like wildfire throughout the site.

Here are awesome repositories that list other awesome lists.

  1. The original awesome list - Be advised, the maintainer of this repo does not hesitate to publicize his own political opinions.
  2. Official Github Awesome Topic

Our Awesome list of Awesome lists