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Conditional operators are used in “if” statements and allow testing for many diffierent modes:
-n VAR - True if the length of VAR is greater than zero.
-z VAR - True if the VAR is empty.
STRING1 = STRING2 - True if STRING1 and STRING2 are equal.
STRING1 != STRING2 - True if STRING1 and STRING2 are not equal.
INTEGER1 -eq INTEGER2 - True if INTEGER1 and INTEGER2 are equal.
INTEGER1 -gt INTEGER2 - True if INTEGER1 is greater than INTEGER2.
INTEGER1 -lt INTEGER2 - True if INTEGER1 is less than INTEGER2.
INTEGER1 -ge INTEGER2 - True if INTEGER1 is equal or greater than INTEGER2.
INTEGER1 -le INTEGER2 - True if INTEGER1 is equal or less than INTEGER2.
-h FILE - True if the FILE exists and is a symbolic link.
-r FILE - True if the FILE exists and is readable.
-w FILE - True if the FILE exists and is writable.
-x FILE - True if the FILE exists and is executable.
-d FILE - True if the FILE exists and is a directory.
-e FILE - True if the FILE exists and is a file, regardless of type (node, directory, socket, etc.).
-f FILE - True if the FILE exists and is a regular file (not a directory or device).
Basher is a package manager for bash shell scripts. Particularly shell scripts that within themselves constitute a package.
A new alternative to Basher is basalt, which is still in it’s early stages of development, but appears to have generated quite a large following.
The most popular shell customizatio simple to use, provides powerful customization, and little overhead. It alos provides a set of ready to be enabled custom bash prompts.
A good CLI framework provides developers with a ready made library for use in creation of bash terminal user interfaces. This removes a good of amount of work, as it provides basic references to customize everything from the color to alignment of output. Below are several noteworthy libraries to help create CLI’s.