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Link List (Edit):
  1. Boxes - Draw ascii art borders in your terminal.
    1. Intro
    2. Config file
#  ____
# | __ )  _____  _____  ___
# |  _ \ / _ \ \/ / _ \/ __|
# | |_) | (_) >  <  __/\__ \
# |____/ \___/_/\_\___||___/

Boxes - Draw ascii art borders in your terminal.

Main site for Boxes


Boxes is a command line tool that injects ascii art into a designated file or outputs it to the command line. It can be integrated into several of the more popular text editors, comes with several predefined designs, and even allows a method for users to add their own designs.

Config file

Like most configuration files these days, the user’s copy is kept in ~/.config/boxes/config, and it is in this file where users may add their own ascii art designs toe the program. Below is a layout of the configuration file.

Box Design

BOX $(design_name)
END $(design_name)