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  1. Hackers vs Crackers
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Hackers vs Crackers

ATTENTION: Please be advised. The term “hacker” or “haxor” is ambiguious in meaning, and refers to many things. More accurately, all it means to hack something is to use it in a way in which it was not intended. For example, hacking a spatula could be something as mundane as using a spatula to scrape ice from a windshield. There are hacking groups throughout the world, they primarily have nothing to do with hacking things in which hollywood would have you think. In fact, they are rather boring and mostly deal with reverse engineering some product or software.

Phreaks are those who specialize in obtainning access or information from voice communications, primarily phone systems.

Crackers are those who spcialize in cracking passwords and gaining access to accounts or services that employ cryptography.