# _____ _ _
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# |_____|_|_|___/ .__/
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I cannot promise there will be much activity or maintainance on this page, but for the time being, it will
house miscellaneous elisp statements for one’s init.el
(with-current-buffer (get-buffer-create "*my-proc-buffer*")
(let ((proc (start-process "myproc" (current-buffer) "bash" "-c" "sleep 4"))) ;; start an async process
(with-timeout (2 (kill-process proc)) ;; on timeout, kill the process
(while (process-live-p proc) ;; while process is running
(sit-for .05)) ;; let emacs read events and run timmers (and check for timeout)
(message "finished on time!!")))) ;; this will run only if there is no timeout