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  1. Launchers for X and Wayland
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Launchers for X and Wayland

What is a launcher

Launchers Available


Wox was the first luancher in this group we tried, and it possessed the most popularity. Unfortunately, regardless of it’s single binary integration and impressive boast of features, Wox was a little bit of a disappointment. As it did not obey the window ruleset we had ascribed to it in Hyprland, and there were not means to configure window size internally from inside the app. Which meant it either opened up in a maximized window, or it opened up in a floating window that was larger than the monitor. This was a deal breaker and made the launcher useless.


Albert is the second most popular in this list and supposedly is the more mature of the lot.


This launcher was the newest of the bunch, it also possessed the largest number of extensions and plugins, which was mindblowing. It might not be what we are using right now, but we are looking forward to trying it soon.