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  1. Working with Pandas is a gigantic pain in the ass!
    1. Cheat Sheet
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Working with Pandas is a gigantic pain in the ass!

Make no mistake about it, python pandas is a brilliant feat of programming genius. The pandas library provides a robust datastructure that allows processing massive amounts of data efficiently and with great speed. The Pandas library also allows programmers to convert massive amounts of data into nearly every datastructure available. It can read directly from csv files, json files, databases, and whatever other type of data storage you can thing of. It is without a doubt a zenith of modern pythonistic engineering.

Unfortunately, due to it’s abstract and robust nature, it’s a tremendous pain in the ass to work with. There are simply too many methods and required parameters to keep up with unless you work with it on a daily basis. The Pandas library also has it’s own way of doing things, which may or may not jive with how you do things. Then there are a number of informal “hacks” not mentioned in the docs, on how to get common tasks accomplished. It is brilliant, yes, but so was the first land mine.

Cheat Sheet

  1. Create Dataframe: dataframe = pd.DataFrame(record, columns = ['$COLUMN_NAMES'])
  3. Test for equality: $DATAFRAME_NAME.$PROPERTY.equals($TEST_VALUE)
  4. Add column headers to pre-existing dataframe: $DATAFRAME_NAME.columns = ['$COLUMN_NAMES']
  5. Find the most common occurring value in a column:
     df = pd.DataFrame({'care': 98, 'robert': 43, 'shit': 100}, columns=['word', 'score'])
     grouped = df.groupby('word')
     word_rep = grouped['word'].agg(lambda x: x.mode().iloc[0])
  6. find the maximum value of a column: df.loc[df['score'].idxmax()]
  7. Get first item from series: ‘<$Series>.item()’
  8. Create series from dataframe: df.<$COLUMN_LABEL> or df['<$COLUMN_LABEL>']