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Anyone dealing with software of computers in general will need to know a little bit about project management theory, terminology and application. You don’t have to be a Jedi knight in project management, but it helps. Also, more probable than not, you are already familiar with many aspects of project management. So without further delay, lets dive in.
Warning: The subject of project management is very faddish, and employs the use of catch phrases. Understanding this and that it is all a game of labels, will help overcome any apprehension.
Of all the project management techniques, Scrum is most commonly associated with the development of software and technology. Being such, we shall look at it first.
Scrum project management focuses on the team effort required to achieve a specific task or goal. It uses the concept of sprints to break tasks down into a time boxed iteration.
Scrum management is almost synonymously correlated with “Agile management”, and employing the use of “agile management practices”. Agile management is so commonly associated with software development, that it actually has been designated it’s own ISO Standard, ISO 21502:2020.
Scrum --> Agile Management --> Agile Management Practices