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  1. The SDR Crash Course
    1. Modulation
    2. Terms
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The SDR Crash Course

Everything you ever wanted to know about SDR, if only the bastard had finished the wiki page on it. ROFL…

Having no background in engineering, electronics or radio technology; I can assure you, you will be lost.


These definitions and explanations are written in layman’s terms without the use of any jargon what-so-ever. They are not precise, but are meant to be understood by someone who has no experience or knowledge in radio technology. That, and it is late. I am tired, so deal with it.

  1. WaveForm - the shape of an electronic signal when graphed as a function of time.
  2. Carrier Signal - Is a fancier word for the waveform of an electronic signal.
  3. Modulation - is the process of variating the waveform.
  4. Amplitude Modulation - variating the waveform by amplitude.
  5. Frequency Modulation - variating the waveform by frequency (i.e. Pitch for musically minded)
  6. Angle Modulation - is based on varying the frequency of a waveform. Angle Modulation is comprised of both FM and Phase Modulation.
  7. Phase Modulation - is where a modulated waveform is modulated againy by overlayering a secondary modulation on top of it. So basically a doubly modulated waveform.

Modulation occurs in two ways:

  1. Continuous Wave
  2. Pulse Wave


  1. Trunked System - A form of radio communication that uses a control channel to designate the channel for communications to take place on.