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Link List (Edit):
  1. Visidata
  2. sc-im
 ___                      _    _            _     ___    _ _ _
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Visidata is a spreadsheet editor for the command line, that combines the efficiency of the command line with the clarity of a spreadsheet. It can handle a bloody ton of data in a very efficient and productive manner, and possesses features that cannot be found in other spreadsheet editors. It is flexible, customizable, programmable with the python api, and allows plugins for extra functionality. Unfortunately, it’s keycodes are rather unique, and can be confusing to many users.


Below are some basic keycodes we have had difficulty remembering:

Code Command
^ rename Column
_ Adjust Column Width
za Add new Column
gza + N Create Columns N times
ga + N Add Rows N times
gi Fill columns with num range
e edit
Shift + Arrow Accept edit and move
q get out of trouble


This is a long time favorite spreadsheet editor. It is based of the original sc spreadsheet editor, with a more convenient keymap configuration and more features. Unfortunately, you will need to change the color scheme before it is usable.