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  1. Universal Software Radio Peripheral
    1. Be wary of imitations
    2. References
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Universal Software Radio Peripheral

USRP’s are a family of software designed radio products developed and produced by National Instruments, previously by Ettus Research Group. The USRP family of products represents Ettus’s accomplishment of producing an obtainable high end product that would still be affordable to hobbiests and enthusiasts alike, which could provide them with a means to perform research and development on a scale not normally available. Which is a fancy way of saying, before USRP arrived on scene, you had to either be government or corporate backed in order to afford the equipment.

Be wary of imitations

There are many products offered that user terms like “USRP Replacement”, “USRP Compatible”, or even “USRP comparable”. Be wary, as this usually indicates neither of the above.
