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  1. Art
    1. Popular programs
    2. Our Wiki pages
    3. Ascii Art Collections
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For the premises of this entry, art refers to ascii/ansi/text/nfo art. Although, neither ascii, ansi, nfo, nor text art describe it appropriately. Ascii and ansi are text formats, where text and nfo are file types. Regardless, “ascii art” predominantly is the most commonly used term for this form of artistic expression.

The “logo” or heading image at the top of this page is an example of text art, and it was created by the program figlet.

There are several well known applications that provide the ability to create art.

infekt JavE toilet
figlet boxes moebius
ascii-telnet-server neonmodem kakikun


Our Wiki pages

We have wiki pages on the following tools:

Ascii Art Collections