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  1. Awesome Command Line Tools
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Awesome Command Line Tools

One can never underestimate the power and shear awesomeness of a good command line tool. Once acquired, the hardest thing is remembering that you have it. Below is a list of recently discovered command line tools that are share worthy.

  1. clifm - Not only is the file manager awesome, but so is the developer. It is easily garuanteed to please.
  2. xsv - A command line toolkit for those pesky csv files.
  3. carbon-now-cli - What Ueberzug is to python in linux, carbon-now is to npm.
  4. Helix Editor - This is a new editor that is a combination of Kakoune and nvim rolled into one. I like it.
  5. jrnl - A personal journal for the command line.
  6. Modern-Unix - A list of modern programs with new features that can replace traditional unix commands.
  7. nb - Perhaps, the greatest full blown note management application, and it is completely written in Bash.
  8. wego - Wego outputs weather forecasts in your terminal with nice ascii art.


File Managers Spreadsheets Tmux



Although not necessarily a command line tool, the execution of entr will take place in the terminal. Entr watches a file or set of files, and executes arbitrary commands when that file or files change. This is very useful. It can be installed with the typical build and install commands.