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“I don’t always run other systems than OpenBSD, but when I do, I run Linux” (Primarily, because that is the most probably option)


A Completely Biased and Prejudiced Interpretation:

Linux is a monolithic modular kernel created by Linus Torvalds, who ripped most of it from Andrew Tannenbaum’s OS MINIX, and published it before MINIX was completed and released. As a result, MINIX was never fully completed, and Andrew Tannenbaum never recieved the credit due to him.

The brilliance of Torvalds was not the ripping off of MINIX, it was his vision of Linux as an operating system. Rather than have the Linux kernel tied exclusively to single unified operating system through licensing, Torvalds rebuked the mainstream modus operandi and allowed Linux to be freely distributed publicly. This meant that anyone could create their own Operating System, and were not inhibited by licensing barriers.


There are enough variating distributions of linux to fill an entire wiki on it’s own. Some come into existence like a flash of light; brilliant, bright, but short lived. While other distros exist like a vintage Porsche; timeless, majestic, and performance driven. While it will be too exhaustive to list them all, it is not nearly such a fantastic task as to hit some favorites and high points.

The Big Names

  • Debian/Ubuntu: “I run Ubuntu, although it is really just Debian unstable” distros.
  • Redhat/Fedora: “I still own an 8-Track player” distro.
  • Gentoo: “Compile the Kernel on Linux, before using linux” distro.
  • Slackware: “If it works well, don’t fuck with it.” distro.
  • Suse: Does anyone use this anymore?
  • Arch: Not too shabby.


  • Alpine: Pretty lean and mean.
  • Devian: Like Debian, without system-d.
  • Voidlinux: “Qwerky little bastard.”
  • Slackware: “I have no complaints.”
  • Kali: Because I must.

Topic Pages

iwd iw Service Managers Building Custom Kali Image Fixing Apt Errors
Installing AMDGPU Drivers Connecting to VNC to a Xdummy Network Config Kali Iptables wpa_supplicant
failed to open render        


Void Linux


ArchLinux / Alpine Linux