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  1. Python Programming Language
    1. Programming Method Topics
    2. Jupyter Lab

Python Programming Language

Python is a powerful object oriented, integrated, data driven, programming language for all operating systems. Allowing the execution of object oriented “scripts” that do not require compilation in order to be executed across numerous platforms. It has exploded in popularity over the years, gained favor in the open source community, and can be run on any platform. Python is one of the most commonly used programming languages.

Programming Method Topics

  1. Working with datetime and time.time in python.
  2. Python package management 101
  3. Pandas
  4. Regex
  5. OpenCV
  6. argparse without “if then” operators
  7. Working with scapy
  8. Writing modules
  9. Creating Daemons
  10. Special Method Names

Jupyter Lab

Jupyter lab is a development environment for the python programming language that allows the user to create dynamically responsive “notebooks” that break code statements into “cells” that can be executed and/or evaluated independently in a succession of steps or as a standalone execution. Although jupyter lab is somewhat targeted towards teaching, presentation, and data sharing. It has many benefits that other development environments do not provide that would interest programmers and developers alike.

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