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Link List (Edit):
  1. The comforts of shell
    1. Bash
    2. ZSH
    3. New Commands
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The comforts of shell

Here is a nice introduction to shell. It explains what they are, what differentiates them from the command line, and the different varieties of shell available.


Here is where I write a nice introduction about the Bourne again shell.

Here is my page to the wiki page for bash –> bash


Here is where I take a stab at explaining what ZSH is, and why zsh differs from bash.

Here is my page on zsh –> zsh

New Commands

Recently a few new commands have been encountered, that have never been seen before. Unsure if they are new arrivals or if they are older commands which have a new found popularity. They listed below.

  • newgrp - Newgroup allows a user to initiate and finalize changes to group membership without having to log out and in again.
  • pushd - Allows a user to temporarily cd and then back again.