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  1. Wayland: I still have not quite figured this thing out… that wayland…
    1. WTF, is it?
    2. How do I implement it?
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Wayland: I still have not quite figured this thing out… that wayland…

For some reason or another, I always associate Wayland with some slick haired country music singer that smells of wiskey, cigarettes, and cologne. Not dissing it, just saying…

WTF, is it?

Well, that is a good question. Supposedly it is the long awaited successor to the X windows system. So, it replaces X, not compliments it.

How do I implement it?

Another good question. From what we have read so far the answer is not a fun one. Certain programs that you would use under X are going to be replaced with a Wayland equivolant. This means your login manager, and your vnc server will need to be replaced.