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Link List (Edit):
  1. Radio Frequency
    1. SDR = Software Defined Radio
      1. Basic Definitions
      2. Local Pages
    2. Links
      1. Software for RTL-SDR
      2. Hardware
      3. SDR Software Lists
      4. Antenna Tutorials
      5. Antenna Builds
      6. Miscellaneous RF
      7. RTL-SDR RFID
      8. RTL-SDR LTE
      9. RFID
      10. Amplifiers
      11. SDR Audio Streaming
      12. Modulations / Varieties
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Radio Frequency

All that concerns the unseen range of the light spectrum, and that includes a butt load of stuff.

SDR = Software Defined Radio

With the rise of new inexpensive processors and chipsets, SDR is easier than ever to get into.

Basic Definitions

SDR = Software Defined Radio

RTL = Represents a series of microchips manufactured by Realtek that enable software defined radio.

Local Pages

Here are some local pages on the subject
SDR Crash Course Cellular Rtl Sdr App
rtl_433 Cabling

Here is an aggregation of sdr related links

Software for RTL-SDR

Note, that software for rtl-sdr is not as fanatically maintained with the most bleeding edge libraries as other software might be, do not let age scare you in this endevour.


SDR Software Lists

Antenna Tutorials

Antenna Builds

Miscellaneous RF





SDR Audio Streaming

Modulations / Varieties